
Pursuing safe, permanent and cost-effective CO₂ sequestration in South Louisiana

Castex, Carbonvert, and Enbridge have joined efforts to develop a portfolio of world-class carbon storage projects across Louisiana's southern coast. With advantageous geology for permanent CO₂ storage and our strategic transportation solutions, our work will bolster industries and communities throughout the region.

Carbon Storage Hub Projects Underway

GeoDura Carbon Storage Hub

  • GeoDura is set to be Louisiana's first multi-source offshore carbon storage hub
  • GeoDura will service the region's high concentration of existing industrial emitters and anticipated greenfield projects
  • Estimated total storage capacity of 250 million metric tons of CO₂

St. Mary Parish Carbon Storage Hub

  • Proximal to emitters within the parish and in the Mississippi River Corridor
  • Adjacent to existing 36" pipeline that is currently being repurposed from natural gas to CO₂ transportation service
  • Estimated storage capacity 75-100 million metric tons of CO₂
A map of LA showing the GeoDura and St. Mary Parish CO₂ storage hub locations

Connect with us

A proud collaboration between Louisiana operation specialist Castex, CCS expert Carbonvert, and Enbridge .

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